Friday, January 2, 2009

2008, I knew thee too well

2008 is over….

Every New Year’s day I try to look forward with optimism to the New Year. This year I won’t. I have decided to consider 2009 a rebuilding year.

I have watched family and friends lose their jobs, their houses and their marriages. I have doctors wanting to subject my children to tests that will be hours of shear terror for them since they don’t have the language skills to understand the tests. The tests are also unnecessary. For once, I hope the HMO refuses to authorize the procedure. (24 hour EEG for a child with no seizure activity who is super sensitive to all sensory input and it took two techs to swaddle him and restrain him for the 15-minute one.) DH had his ankle fused and screwed and is still non-weight bearing. Family does nothing but pick fights with us. Can’t let any get together go by without at least one snide comment.

I don’t know what the answer is but I am beginning to believe that I should hope for the best and expect the worst….seems the best way to keep sane in this world.

So, here’s to 2010…if I play my cards right in 2009, then I can greet you with optimism. If not, well, it will be another rebuilding year. Maybe I’m the Detroit Lions…


At April 8, 2011 at 5:05 AM , Anonymous 3D ultrasounds said...

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